Normal Operating Hours*
Monday – Saturday 9am til dusk
Sunday 1pm til dusk
*Excepting scheduled events where ranges may be limited or closed
Improvements have been made to the Sporting Clays Course. See photos of the changes on the Range page or click here.
We have received reports from Littlestown of loud explosions (Tannerite?) and full-automatic fire, neither of which are allowed at our range. NRA Classes We will be offering NRA Basic Pistol and CCW classes to members at a GREATLY reduced rate. See the Announcements page for dates of upcoming classes. View detailed course descriptions on the About The Club - Education page. | Pistol / Rifle Range Closure Dates Mondays @ 4PM to 8:00 (Trap;Year Round) Thursdays Afternoon 1-3 PM (Trap: Year Round)
Notice to Shooters As a courtesy to our neighbors (the local residents), please refrain from continuous rapid-fire firearms. On Ranges #1 and #3 traditional pistol calibers only. No rifle calibers such as 7.62 X 39 and 556/223, etc. No shotgun shells of any kind allowed, .410 included! We continue to find items that not compatible with shooting on Range #1. In addition to finding 12-gauge shot gun hulls and wads, we find cartridge casings of .223, 7.62 x 39 and 8mm Mauser. NONE OF THESE CALIBERS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS RANGE! No shotgun shells of any kind allowed, .410 included! It is a serious safety hazard to shoot any nominal "rifle" calibers at such short distances - even with a 10" or less barrel. There is a list of acceptable calibers posted on Range #1 and Range #3 - where the same rules apply. It is imperative that everyone follow the rules. |