Join Now

Memberships will remain in pending status until the new member completes the initial application process.  Below are the steps and related process;

1) Select the appropriate membership below
2) Complete the next few steps entering your information
3) Read the Bylaws, Rules and Liability Waver and agree to them, all items are listed under Membership.                                                                              
4) Pay Online with your credit card, you will be notified as soon as you are approved and your cards are available. OR......bring a check/cash when you pick up your key/badge

Picking up your Key card and Badge....

 Attend a monthly Rules and Reg. meeting, which is held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00am.

     NOTE; Special arrangements can be made for volunteers to work and earn dues reductions, contact membership or any Club officer.

Thank you for your interest in Littlestown Fish and Game!

Regular Membership - $100.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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© The Littlestown Fish and Game AssociationFollow Us on Facebook
1979 Fish and Game Road  -  P. O. Box 205  -  Littlestown, PA   17340           ph:  717-359-9508

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